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Accuplacer 2024-10-23T10:18:25+00:00

Accuplacer Reading Information


The Accuplacer Next Generation reading assessment consists of 20 multiple-choice questions asking you to think critically, draw inferences, and understand short reading passages. This is a computerized and untimed assessment. Answers to each question determine the difficulty level of the next question.

Students can retake this assessment once per quarter, and a maximum of 4 attempts per year.  For retake purposes, we define quarters to be:  The week after the end of one quarter through finals week of the next quarter.

It is highly recommended that you practice BEFORE taking the Accuplacer test. Review and answer sample questions for the Next Generation reading assessment using: A free study app and other resources

You will first meet with an Entry Advisor in Building 6, 2nd floor or by emailing entryadvising@highline.edu to determine eligibility. Students currently in Level 4 or higher ESOL courses that are unable to use ESOL articulation, OR applying to Running Start, might be eligible to take the Accuplacer Reading assessment. 

ALL OTHER STUDENTS WILL TAKE DIRECTED SELF PLACEMENT (DSP). Meet with Entry Advising in Building 6, 2nd floor for instructions on taking the DSP assessment.

Students MUST have a Highline Student ID number (SID) in order to take this test. If you are applying for Running Start, you will need to bring your high school transcript or have access to your GPA.

Testing is available for drop-in at Highline College, no appointment is necessary. Please bring your picture ID to the Entry Advising in Building 6 when you are ready to take the test. View our available testing hours.

Accuplacer can be taken remotely. Please email entryadvising@highline.edu to schedule this assessment.

You will first meet with an Entry Advisor in Building 6, 2nd floor or by emailing entryadvising@highline.edu to determine eligibility. Students currently in Level 4 or higher ESOL courses that are unable to use ESOL articulation, OR applying to Running Start, might be eligible to take the Accuplacer Reading assessment

You are eligible for the following courses based on your score

000-221   Meet with Entry Advisor in Building 6 about your course placement

222-240   English 97 or 99

241-249   English 101P

250+        English 101

For ALL other students; You will take the Directed Self Placement (DSP) assessment. Meet with an Entry Advisor in Building 6, 2nd floor. Entry Advisors will give you directions to complete the DSP assessment, virtually or in-person, for English course placement.