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High School Transcripts 2023-03-30T11:10:51+00:00

High School Transcripts


If you graduated in the last 10 years, you can gain entry into English 101 if you have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Students who have not yet graduated high school are eligible for English 101 with a 2.5 cumulative GPA and English 101P with a 2.0-2.49 cumulative GPA from at least 3 semesters.

Test NameTest ScorePlacement Level
AP English Lit./Comp. or Lang./Comp.3ENGLISH 101
AP English Lit./Comp. or Lang./Comp.4 or higherENGLISH 102 or 235 (credit awarded for ENGL& 101)
IB English Lang./Lit.4ENGL& 101
IB English Lang./Lit.5 or higherENGLISH 102 or 235 (credit awarded for ENGL& 101)
  1. Please bring, (along with picture ID) an unofficial high school transcript, or IB/AP scores to the Entry Advising Center: Building 6. You can also email these documents with your Student ID Number (SID) to entryadvising@highline.edu.  If you have an IB or AP score that gives you college credit, you will also need to request an official transcript evaluation.  Learn more here.
  2. If your last math course was taken more than two years ago, it is advised that you take the math placement test-WAMAP.