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Smarter Balanced

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Smarter Balanced 2023-03-30T11:12:01+00:00

Smarter Balanced Score


Smarter Balanced is a 10th-grade career and college readiness assessment, given to most students attending Washington State public high schools.

Smarter Balanced Score LevelMathematics Placement Option if test date was 2018 or laterEnglish Placement Options Available Based on Score
4Math 98, 107, 111, 146, 180, 181: Contingent on a B or better in Algebra 2

Math 141 Contingent on a B or better in pre-calculus or higher course
English 101
3Math 98, 107, 111, 146, 180, 181: Contingent on a B or better in Algebra 2

Math 141 Contingent on a B or better in pre-calculus or higher course
English 101
2Math 98, 107, 111, 146, 180, 181: Contingent on a B or better in Bridge to College Math class as a seniorEnglish 101 contingent on a B or better in a statewide English senior year college readiness/transition course
1Additional placement information needed, use another assessment measureAdditional placement information needed, use another assessment measure.

Steps to use the Smarter Balanced Assessment for placement into courses at Highline:

  • Please bring, (along with picture ID) your Smarter Balanced score report to Building 6, Entry Advising. You can also email this, along with your Student ID Number (CtC link ID) to entryadvising@highline.edu.