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TOEFL/IELTS/Kaplan Test of English/DUOLINGO

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TOEFL/IELTS/Kaplan Test of English/DUOLINGO 2025-02-06T17:58:07+00:00

TOEFL/IELTS/Kaplan Test of English/DUOLINGO



If you have taken the TOEFL, Kaplan Test of English, DUOLINGO, or IELTS test, your scores can be used to determine English course placement.  Meet with an Entry Advisor in Building 6, 2nd floor or your ISP advisor for course placement. The scores below indicate eligibility for English 97, English 101Plus, or English 101, please consult with International Student Programs Advisors for additional score and course correlations.

Kaplan Test of English Overall ScoreIELTS Overall ScoreTOEFL iBT Overall ScoreDUOLINGO ScorePlacement Level
Writing score 21
*if writing score is under 21=101Plus
English 101
Writing score 21
English 101 Plus
425-4625.5, 5.035 - 5990+English 97